Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cloud Computing (MIS 750)

          In the recent years, the word "Cloud Computing" has become very popular among the internet users. But does anyone really understand what does it mean? The word "Cloud" derived from the cloud-shaped symbol which represent the internet as an intermediary for accessing data, software or application.  Therefore, cloud computing was actually being used long since the internet itself has been used by the public and personal computers. The purpose of cloud computing is nothing more than making our life easier. The concept is that, you can access your file wherever and whenever you want using internet as a medium of storage where you don't need pendrive or hard disk with you wherever you go. As long as there is internet access, you can retrieve it whenever you want.

Source: http://wires.wiley.com
Here is a simple diagram that explained what is cloud computing.

          Cloud computing not only just improve the life of a personal user but also does wonders to firms and corporation. Big company which have bigger data that need to be stored will need a bigger size server and this will cost a lot more if they are trying to manage their own server. A simple solution for this, is to buy services from company that provide server and data storage (outsource). A more detail explanation can be watch here.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org

In 1997, Steve Jobs explain the ideal computer using network and internet which is now called "Cloud Computing".